Montréal Québec Canada
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Satosphère 3

Satosphère 3
Satosphère 3

Thursday, August 25, 2022
19:30_20:15 Montréal time

Société des arts technologiques [SAT]


(taxes and fees included)

Presented as part of the 2022 edition of the MUTEK festival, this double program includes L'alter-Monde, a film by Sandrine Deumier and Myriam Bleau, and Trial, a performance by CLAUDE and Shin Hyejin. Through these works exhibited in the immersive dome environment of the Satosphere, the artists address concerns over eco-sensitivity and the anthropocene, and question the relationship between humans, nature and the universe.

Sandrine Deumier & Myriam Bleau CA/QCL’alter-Monde

CLAUDE & Shin Hyejin KR Trial
Live A/V

The SAT x MUTEK double program in the Satosphere is presented by the SAT and is not included in the MUTEK passes. However, MUTEK pass holders can benefit from a 20% discount for this event. This offer is available in person at the ticket office of the SAT (1201, boul. St-Laurent). Within the limit of available seats.

Nocturne 2
The Nocturne series is dedicated to the more rhythmic and bewitching forms of electronic music with an original and immersive scenography.
Mue Katherine Melançon Smerz Marina Herlop MUTEK2022 1 2 Bendik Giske photo credit Luis Alberto Rodriguez CATERINA BARBIERI by Jim C Nedd
Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC Mue & Katherine MelançonCA/QC
SmerzNO SmerzNO SmerzNO SmerzNO SmerzNO SmerzNO SmerzNO SmerzNO
Marina HerlopES/CAT Marina HerlopES/CAT Marina HerlopES/CAT Marina HerlopES/CAT Marina HerlopES/CAT Marina HerlopES/CAT Marina HerlopES/CAT Marina HerlopES/CAT
Bendik GiskeNO Bendik GiskeNO Bendik GiskeNO Bendik GiskeNO Bendik GiskeNO Bendik GiskeNO Bendik GiskeNO Bendik GiskeNO
Caterina BarbieriIT Caterina BarbieriIT Caterina BarbieriIT Caterina BarbieriIT Caterina BarbieriIT Caterina BarbieriIT Caterina BarbieriIT Caterina BarbieriIT